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Sports Massage

Sports Massage: An Overview

Sports massage is used to treat, and for the prevention of sports-related injuries as well as promote faster tissue repair post-activity. it's a  type of massage that stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph fluids throughout the body. Sports massage is often helpful for lots of common sports-related injuries like inflammation, plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, hamstring strains, and groin strains. 



All of these mentioned injuries are soft tissue related. Just in case you've got an injury that's orthopedic or involving the bone consults a physician for the right treatment before getting a sports massage. For getting the best services you can contact Sports Massage Edmonton


The techniques involved in sports massage are often equivalent to a standard massage. The most objective of this technique is to mobilize the tissue which may be achieved using any modality of massage. There could also be more pressure than a traditional massage to focus on the affected areas.


There may even be more techniques involving repeated deep pressure to the tissues to interrupt down the adhesions or soften connective tissue from an earlier injury. There are techniques that are designed to scale back the injury back to a state that the body can heal naturally. It's important to contact an expert massage therapist before starting a sports massage and tell them the nature of sports you play.